Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Tuesday July 16, 2013- Warm Springs

Warm Springs.
Today we met with Jason Grant- Fish Biologist and Austin Smith-Wild Life Technician that both work on the reservation with the Warm Springs Natural Resources.(second picture)These two men had wonderful information to share with us that let me have a better understanding of what restoration is and the process of restoration. Our first location was Shittake creek. This was the creek that has been restored in 2009 taking approximately 6 weeks and 545,000 dollars. We were supposed to guess the amount and I said, " oh 4 million" obviously I was a little off. ;) it seems like with all the upkeep plus the initial cost and the project partners it would have been more. (First picture)We then went to the second site which is where Austin informed us about his work and the use of deer trackers. It is a collar that they have on 53 deers to track the location of each. There is a satelite that is also.used to hear the deer and activity going on.(third picture) it was the  lunch time so we drove to our third location and ate sandwiches. (I finally got my PP&J!) The third location wae an area thatbthey are planning on restoring with an approximate cost of 1.2 million dollars. It was optional to go down a very steep hill to get to the water area they were showing so I stayed back. I knew that if I went down there I probably wouldnt make it back up. Charlie, Cia and myself decided to stay back. After we were done there we headed back to the longhouse and Cia taught us how to make rope! I am not coordinated and am not creative so I wasnt too sure how it was going to turn out. Charlie and I ended up teaming up ( like we do with everything) and making a pretty cool bracelet(fourth picture). Little did I know that this was my last night of really being comfortable:/Make sure you check out my blog for tomorrow morning!

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