This morning we packed up (once again) camp in Wallowa, which seemed like the 100th time by this point considering our difficult tent we had and headed towards Umatilla, OR.
We headed straight to meet with Wenix Redelk who is the Department of Natural Resources Education and Outreach Coordinator for the Confederate Confederated Tribes of Umatilla Indian Reservation.She presented us with a power point presentation on First Foods Management (traditional foods used by the tribes) and the traditional use of each food. I particularly enjoyed this presentation because I am not familiar with Native American culture and have been wanting to learn more for awhile before coming on this trip. This is before the day got overwhelming and exhausting.
Wenix wanted to take us to the Meacham Creek Restoration Project but none of us knew what an experience it would be getting to the location-you will see what I mean! In order to get to the location , we had a somewhat long drive on a back road where there was no cell phone service and freshly rocked road way . We are just riding along and our of no where Band Wagon(the van with white swan students along with Wenix) suddenly stops and BAM! Flat tire #1.. Then all of a sudden BAM! Flat tire #2 but on my van. Thank goodness for Geo, a White Swan student who was amazing at changing tires fixed us up and we were all set to go to the location. We made it to the site where we learned about the change of the course of the creek because of the railroad. Now they are working on reversing the effects of the railroad by restoring the natural pattern of the stream. After being informed with great information we left the creek and
BAM! War Pony got TWO flat tires!!!!Thats SIX flats from the beginning of the trip!With no cell coverage and the heat, it was an unbearable part of the trip but of course we worked as a group and got the tire situation figured out and finally made it back to Wenix's house.
Wenix knew that we were exhausted and missing home so she let us set up camp in her back yard. Her family was so inviting allowing us to use showers, normal toilets, and cooked delicious indian tacos! She and We were able to play volleyball ,learn stick games, and just sit back and chill out. We ended up being able to watch Pitch Perfect and actually have an amazing night compared to our adventeroud morning!